How To Use a Roundover Bit On a Router Table? (Advanced & Safe)

A roundover bit is a type of router bit that is used to create a rounded edge on a piece of wood. It is a versatile tool that can be used to add a decorative touch to furniture, cabinetry, and other woodworking projects. Roundover bits come in various sizes and shapes, allowing you to create a variety of different looks.

One of the most effective ways to use a roundover bit is by mounting it in a router table. A router table allows you to make precise, consistent cuts with a router and is especially useful when working with larger pieces of wood. In this blog post, we will outline the steps for using a roundover bit on a router table, including setting up the router table, preparing the workpiece, and making the cut.

By following these steps, you can create beautiful, professional-quality roundovers on your woodworking projects.

how to use a roundover bit on a router table
How to use a roundover bit on a router table

Setting Up The Router Table

To set up the router table for using a roundover bit, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Choose the right size roundover bit for your project. Roundover bits come in various sizes, and the size you choose will depend on the desired depth and width of the roundover and the size of the workpiece.
  2. Install the roundover bit in the router table. Most router tables have a collet that holds the router bit in place. To install the bit, you will need to loosen the collet, insert the shank of the bit into the collet, and then tighten the collet securely to hold the bit in place.
  3. Adjust the router table and fence to the desired depth and width of the roundover. You can do this by adjusting the height of the router bit and the position of the fence. Make sure to test the setup by making a few practice cuts on a scrap piece of wood before moving on to the actual workpiece.
  4. Double-check all of your settings and connections to make sure everything is secure and properly adjusted. This is an important safety precaution to ensure that the router table is set up correctly and ready for use.

Preparing The Workpiece

Before you begin using the roundover bit on your workpiece, there are a few things you will need to do to prepare the workpiece:

  1. Select the appropriate type of wood for your project. Some types of wood are more suitable for roundovers than others. Hardwoods like oak, maple, and cherry are good choices because they are strong and dense, and will hold up well under the pressure of the roundover bit. Softer woods like pine and spruce are also suitable, but they may require multiple passes to achieve the desired depth and width of the roundover.
  2. Measure and mark the desired roundover area on the workpiece. Use a ruler or a straight edge to draw a line or lines indicating where the roundover will be located. You can use a template or a roundover bit itself to trace the desired shape of the roundover.
  3. Clamp the workpiece to the router table. This will help to hold the workpiece steady and prevent it from moving or shifting as you make the cut. Be sure to use clamps that are sturdy and secure, and position them in a way that allows you to access the roundover area easily.
  4. Sand the workpiece to remove any rough or uneven areas that might interfere with the roundover bit. This will help to ensure a clean, smooth cut and a professional-looking finish. Use a medium grit sandpaper (around 120-150 grit) to sand the workpiece, and then switch to a fine grit (around 220 grit) to smooth out any remaining rough spots.

Making The Cut

Once you have set up the router table and prepared the workpiece, you are ready to begin making the cut. Follow these steps to use the roundover bit on your workpiece:

  1. Start the router and allow it to reach full speed. This is important because the router needs to be running at a consistent speed in order to produce a smooth, even cut.
  2. Slowly and steadily guide the workpiece through the roundover bit. Hold the workpiece firmly but gently, and use a steady, even pressure to push it through the bit. If the workpiece is large or heavy, you may need to use both hands to guide it through the bit.
  3. Make multiple passes, if necessary, to achieve the desired depth and width of the roundover. Depending on the size and shape of the roundover bit, you may need to make several passes to achieve the desired effect. Be patient and take your time, and make sure to keep the workpiece steady and level as you make each pass.
  4. Stop the router when you have finished making the cut. Once you have completed the roundover, turn off the router and allow it to come to a full stop before removing the workpiece from the router table.
  5. Check the roundover for any rough or uneven areas and sand them smooth, if necessary. Use a fine grit sandpaper (around 220 grit) to smooth out any rough spots, and then wipe the workpiece clean with a damp cloth to remove any dust or debris. If you are satisfied with the roundover, you can proceed to the finishing stage.
  6. Apply any finishes or treatments to the roundover as desired. Depending on the project, you may want to apply a finish or treatment to the roundover to protect it and give it a polished look. Options include wood stains, varnishes, sealers, and waxes. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for applying these products, and allow them to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Finishing up

After you have completed the roundover on your workpiece, you will need to do a few final steps to finish up:

  1. Remove the workpiece from the router table and unclamp it. Carefully remove the workpiece from the router table and unclamp it. Be careful not to bump or knock the workpiece, as this could cause damage to the roundover.
  2. Check the roundover for any rough or uneven areas and sand them smooth, if necessary. Use a fine-grit sandpaper (around 220 grit) to smooth out any rough spots, and then wipe the workpiece clean with a damp cloth to remove any dust or debris.
  3. Apply any finishes or treatments to the roundover as desired. Depending on the project, you may want to apply a finish or treatment to the roundover to protect it and give it a polished look. Options include wood stains, varnishes, sealers, and waxes. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for applying these products, and allow them to dry completely before moving on to the next step.
  4. Inspect the roundover for any defects or imperfections, and make any necessary repairs. Once the finish or treatment has dried, take a close look at the roundover to make sure it is free of any defects or imperfections. If you see any areas that need to be touched up or repaired, use a wood filler or a wood putty to fill in the gaps and smooth out the surface.
  5. Clean up the router table and roundover bit. Once you have finished using the roundover bit, it is important to clean up the router table and the bit itself to keep them in good working condition. Use a soft cloth or brush to remove any dust or debris from the router table and the bit, and then store the bit in a safe place until you are ready to use it again.

Benefits Of Using A Roundover Bit

  1. Creates a smooth, rounded edge: A roundover bit can be used to create a smooth, rounded edge on a piece of wood, which can add a decorative touch to furniture, cabinetry, and other woodworking projects.
  2. Versatile: Roundover bits come in various sizes and shapes, allowing you to create a variety of different looks. This versatility makes it easy to achieve the desired effect on your project.
  3. Efficient: Using a roundover bit on a router table allows you to make precise, consistent cuts quickly and efficiently. This is especially useful when working with larger pieces of wood or when you need to make multiple cuts.
  4. Safe: A router table allows you to make cuts with a router in a safe and controlled manner, reducing the risk of injury or accident.
  5. Professional-quality results: With a little practice, you can use a roundover bit to create professional-quality roundovers that look polished and finished.
  6. Easy to use: Once you have set up the router table and prepared the workpiece, using a roundover bit is relatively simple. Just guide the workpiece through the bit and make multiple passes if necessary to achieve the desired depth and width of the roundover.
  7. Cost-effective: Roundover bits are relatively inexpensive, making them a cost-effective option for adding decorative touches to your woodworking projects.

The Different Types Of Roundover Bits

Roundover bits come in various sizes, shapes, and profiles, allowing you to create a wide range of different looks on your woodworking projects. Some common types of roundover bits include:

  1. Standard roundover bit: This is the most basic type of roundover bit, and it is used to create a smooth, rounded edge on the workpiece. Standard roundover bits come in various sizes, ranging from small bits that create shallow roundovers to larger bits that create deeper roundovers.
  2. Bullnose roundover bit: This type of roundover bit is used to create a rounded edge that has a more pronounced, rounded profile. Bullnose roundover bits are typically used to create decorative edges on furniture and cabinetry.
  3. Chamfer roundover bit: This type of roundover bit is used to create a beveled edge on the workpiece. Chamfer roundover bits come in various sizes and angles, allowing you to create a variety of different looks.
  4. Ogee roundover bit: This type of roundover bit is used to create a decorative edge that has a curved, S-shaped profile. Ogee roundover bits are often used on furniture and cabinetry to add a decorative touch.
  5. V-groove roundover bit: This type of roundover bit is used to create a decorative edge that has a V-shaped groove along the edge of the workpiece. V-groove roundover bits are often used to create a decorative border or to add a unique touch to furniture and cabinetry.

How To Choose The Right Roundover Bit?

When choosing the right roundover bit for a project, the first thing to consider is the size of the bit that is needed. The size of the bit should be based on the size of the material that is being worked with, as well as the desired radius of the roundover.

Additionally, the type of wood being used should be considered in order to ensure that the bit will not cause any damage to the material. Different bits are designed for different materials, with some being better suited to softer woods while others are better suited to harder woods.

In addition to the size and type of bit, the material of the bit should be considered. Carbide is the most suitable material for roundover bits, as it is durable and will maintain its shape over time. Steel bits are also available, but these are typically more expensive and less durable than carbide bits.

Finally, the shank size of the bit should be considered. Roundover bits with smaller shanks are suitable for small projects, while larger shanks are better suited to larger projects. Additionally, shank size should be matched to the size of the router collet in order to ensure a secure fit.

Tips for Using a Roundover Bit

1. Set the Correct Depth of Cut – The depth of the cut should correspond to the radius of the bit. If the bit is 1/4”, the depth should be 1/4” deep.

2. Use a Fence – Use a fence to ensure that the bit follows a consistent and straight line while making the roundover.

3. Use a Router Table – Using a router table is the safest way to use a roundover bit. It helps you maintain control of the router and provides a consistent angle of attack.

4. Use a Piloted Roundover Bit – It is important to use a piloted roundover bit. This will help guide the router and prevent it from slipping away from the edge of the material.

5. Take Multiple Passes – Taking multiple passes over the material helps to ensure a smooth, consistent finish. Start with a shallow pass and gradually make deeper passes until the desired shape is achieved.

6. Use a Push Block – A push block helps to keep the router in place and helps to ensure that the router does not slip off the edge of the material.


In conclusion, using a roundover bit on a router table is a simple and effective way to add a decorative touch to your woodworking projects. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can set up the router table, prepare the workpiece, and make the cut with confidence, resulting in beautiful, professional-quality roundovers.

To ensure the best results, it is important to choose the right size roundover bit for your project, install the bit properly in the router table, and make multiple passes if necessary to achieve the desired depth and width of the roundover. After making the cut, be sure to check the roundover for any rough or uneven areas and sand them smooth, and apply any finishes or treatments as desired.

Finally, remember to clean up the router table and the roundover bit after use, and store the bit in a safe place to keep it in good working condition. With a little practice and patience, you can master the art of using a roundover bit on a router table and create beautiful, decorative edges on your woodworking projects.

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